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4th Step

Networking & Direct Negotiation 

Once the potential partners have been identified and pre-selected, the fourth step is to connect you directly with them. This is where in-depth discussions take shape to finalize the terms of the partnership and lay the foundation for a fruitful collaboration.

Presentation of Selected Partners

After the pre-negotiation, we share with you a list of the most relevant partners, accompanied by detailed reports. These documents include:

  • Their full profile.
  • The points raised during the preliminary discussions.
  • Opportunities identified.

This way you have a clear view of potential candidates before meeting them.

Organization of the Connection

We facilitate the initial meetings, whether online or in person. Our teams arrange the appointments and ensure a professional introduction to kickstart the discussions on solid ground. This process is designed to guarantee a smooth start to the exchanges.

Support during Negotiations

During the direct negotiations, our experts remain by your side to advise and assist you. We intervene when necessary to clarify certain points, defend your interests, and ensure the discussions progress in the right direction. This includes:

  • Developing win-win solutions.
  • Managing possible misunderstandings or conflicts.
  • Structuring the final proposals.

Validation of the Partnership Terms

Once the negotiations are concluded, we assist you in validating the terms of the partnership. Our lawyers take over to support you. Every detail is reviewed to ensure the final agreement reflects your expectations and provides solid mutual benefits.

In summary, this step ensures an effective connection and strategic support throughout the negotiations, allowing you to finalize a strong partnership aligned with your goals.

Go to step 5

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